i-DOCS at 12th CRM-Expo, Nuremberg, Germany, 12 – 13 October 2010/NürnbergMesse
i-DOCS participates at the CRM-expo, the top event for Customer Relationship Management in Europe since 1999, taking place in Nuremberg, Germany, on the 12th and 13th of October, 2010. During this two day congress, decision makers and users from companies can meet with CRM specialists and experts in related fields up close and personal. . Discuss the newest trends, learn how to increase your marketshare or share experiences.
If you want to empower your CRM system with intelligent customer experience and interactive features; reduce churn and get the most out of your customers’ communications; if “Every Customer Counts” in your business, then visit i-DOCS at F10 at the CRMExpo.
The congress is divided into five areas:
- Technology – Product Innovation Forum
- Strategy and Highlights Forum
- CRM Best Practice Forum
- Service Mobility Security Area
- CRM meets DMS Area
At this expo – the only one of its kind in Germany, visitors will get comprehensive and detailed information on Customer Relationship Management concepts, strategies and trends. To date, no other expo offers such a wide scope of topics and variety of exhibitors on CRM services and Sales Force Management (SFA).
For further information please visit the CRM-Expo official site.