
June 26, 2012

Hybrid Post @ PTK goes live

i-DOCS is now integrated with Docubase, the flagship product of Tessi group. Docubase includes a lot of features of a scaled document repository well know in the european and not only market. Customers of i-DOCS have the option either to select the usage of i-DOCS DocRep or the fully integrated DocuBase that could offer them the bellow additional benefits:

  • Dossier Management (static or Dynamic) with hierarchical approach
  • Unified Document viewer allowing customers to see all the documents in a unified viewer with the abilities to add comments, stamps, underlines etc)
  • Ability to track all the actions per document
  • Version Management and the ability to compare versions
  • Workflow management (design of different workflows) and lists of tasks (corbeilles)
  • Ability to create a copy of the files in “independent mode” including a search tool
  • Mass modification of Document’s metadata
  • Support of fully legal “Coffre Electronic” where all documents are signed in the data files)
  • Various ways of uploading documents (Filesystem, fat client, webdav, word plugin, virtual printer)

Feel free to contact us for a detailed, integrated demo

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