
September 28, 2010

Less is More at the INFO to DOC Dematerialization Exhibition in Paris

i-DOCS unveils i-Printer – the new virtual printer driver for i-DOCS at the dematerialization show on November 23-24, 2010. Company leaders flocked to the 2-day event to learn how to get out from under their paper based worlds efficiently and safely – and Info to Doc delivered. From electronic workflows and archiving to document output management, visitors were able to peruse over a hundred exhibitors, participate in workshops or get hands-on experience through demonstrations.

​The stir at our own i-DOCS booth to see e-Invoicing, archiving and effective output management tools first hand was telling. It is clear that companies in this current economic climate know they must address dematerialization to remain competitive in their respective field of business.

​In the spirit of doing more with less, i-DOCS effectively showed how easily companies can move towards being paperless. No matter what systems are currently in place, i-DOCS can seamlessly integrate, archive your documents for easy access or output them personalized to your company’ specifications – where and when you need them.

​Is your statement ready to compete?

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