i-DOCS Output Management (OM)

i-DOCS Output Management (OM) is the core product of i-DOCS CCM Suite that generates, formats, manages and massively distributes any document for any kind of enterprise document used today.

Through its adaptive architecture, it can handle any integration with any business system to ingest any type of business data, parse, process and – after safely storing to its proprietary repository – combines them on versioned templates for batch and interactive document generation.


Multiplatform Deployment

Designed for multiplatform deployment, including on-premises (On-Prem) and Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS).

Adaptable Scaling

Designed for adaptable scaling up or scaling out, based on customers’ business needs. It can grow as volumes extend beyond the initial footprint.

Maximum Performance

Designed for maximum performance to create and manage large volumes of data on a daily basis.

Secure Design

Designed for security, to handle sensitive and confidential data and implement organizational security controls.

  • Includes role-based access control with granular control of access rights and roles.
  • Applies auditing on who accesses what. 
  • Conforms with PCI-DSS compliance using data obfuscation at rest or at the export tier.
  • Uses encryption at transit by using TLS protocols to all its endpoints as well as securely communicating (end-to-end security) with other systems/applications, it may use data encrypted at rest at the disk level.
  • Complies fully with GDPR and supports:
    • Deletion of personal, based on personal data retention policy, using scheduled task, or triggered by Web Services utilization from external systems.
    • Anonymization of personal data, by using data obfuscation at rest or at the export tier.
    • Access restriction of personal data, by using role-based access control

Adaptable Configuration

Designed for adaptable configuration and parameterization, to allow easy operation

  • Provides Alerting/ Notification services for operational alerts such as e-mail notifications to specific group e-mail lists.
  • Supports timestamped logging of user/admin and or system activity tasks retained for a defined time and can be tamper-protected at the OS level.
  • Provides Operational and Business Reports, exportable to Excel files.

Web Services Integration

Configurable or Expandable to handle integration with any Enterprise system, through i-DOCS REST OAuth 2.0 compatible web services integration.

That support large number of simultaneous requests, provides online, real-time, on-demand creation and display of business documents to users that is essential for organizations to communicate with their customers through all customer accessible platforms, such as web sites and mobile applications.

Pre-press Integration

Format conversion, document and page reengineering, trans promo marketing and modification by business user.

Pre-press integration, including format conversion, document and page reengineering, splitting/merging/sorting, imposition, trans promo (documents, messages, etc.) and decoupled from document design to allow modification without the involvement of the IT or vendor.

Omni Channel Delivery

Omni channel delivery by SMTP/E-mail or Web and file/folders transfer and content management.

Omni channel delivery:

  • By SMTP/E-mail or Web (such as Web Portal or e-Bill)
  • File/folder, print spool/queue cloud storage, SFTP, content management
  • SMS, chat messaging, push notifications, commands/scripts et


Archiving in XML and PDF/A format by using retention, security, encryption and APIs.

Application & Data Integration

Integration with CRM, ERP, Billing and Service Bus systems as well as management and distribution of database and external sources, through proprietary or web services for data integration, validation, and quality checking.

Application integration, data auto management and distribution of organization’s source systems such as CRM, ERP, Billing Systems, Service Bus, databases and external data source integration through proprietary or web services data integration, data validation and data quality checking.

Authorization & Access Control

Combination of RBAC and SSO access control mechanisms and authorization policies as well as integration with Identity Management systems (LDAP, AD).

To utilize existing users and groups during authentication or utilize local users with enforced password policies, supports fine-grained authorization policies, combines different access control mechanisms such as RBAC and Single Sign-on (SSO), and integrates with Identity Management systems (LDAP, AD).

Tracking & Tracing

Creating barcodes, QR codes and transportation files containing /customer code, customer address, zip code etc. for tracking and tracing with ability of integration to transporter’s web services.

Document Design & Authoring
Document Design &


Handles any content complexity or file format provided by source systems and provides several features for document design and authoring

i-DOCS OM handles any content complexity or file format provided by source systems and offers several features for document design and authoring, including:

  • Authoring of component content for inclusion into customer communication templates, 
  • Variations and versioning using XML Metadata and XSL versioning.

Multiple Document Templates

Supports of multiple templates for each document type (doctype) like bills, invoices, e-statements, e-invoices and so on.

On-demand & Real-time Communications

Documents design for end users, generating on-demand communications in real-time, including customization, template reuse, digital signatures and delivery integration.

Dynamic Templates Design

Template design using XSL and template libraries supporting dynamically changing any document elements, like formation, stylesheet, font, text, image, color etc.

Template design using XSL and template libraries supporting dynamically changing any document elements, like formation, stylesheet, font, text, image, color etc. Template design includes barcodes and QR Codes for payment with support for 1D product, 1D industrial and 2D barcodes.

Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)

Supports embedding Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) for marks recognitions by printer facilities and understand the line number for enveloping, co-enveloping, etc.

Multilingual Support

Creation of the same design in multiple languages and internationalization including multilingual output and Unicode support.

Personalization & Multichannel Delivery

Personalized output management, automated document composition and multichannel delivery by using dynamically customized communications layouts and/or infuse customer specific image or text messages.

Personalized output management and automated document composition for dynamically customized communications layouts and infuse customer specific messages (image or text).
Multichannel delivery to satisfy even the most sophisticated customer communications’ needs using dynamically customized communications layouts and/or infuse customer specific messages (image or text)

Document Generation

Full Scale Composition

Several professional document generation and document composition features.

i-DOCS OM provides several features for professional document generation that reduce the workload of business applications while increasing productivity, performance and stability of the overall IT system and improving users’ experience. Composition including text, images, tables, vector graphics, overlays, charts, component content, references, rules/scripting/logic, accessibility, signatures, navigation, layout, and variable data.

Standard Features

General features including synchronous/asynchronous usage, security, encryption, and application programming interfaces.

Input formats

Input formats including XML, CSV, JSON, PDF, PS, AFP, PCL, text and images, with input file data validation and criteria-based validations and exclusions.


Operations including job management, job-level tracking, error correction/reprints/resends.

Output formats

Output formats including PDF, PS, AFP, PCL, HTML, Responsive HTML5, e-mail, message, Microsoft Excel, CSV, XML, compatible with Apache FOP standard and compliant with XLS-FO.

Business Flows

Configurable business flows, allowing back-office users to change & enhance the business logic and alter or add processes and flows.

Print Management

Rules based automated batch creation, co-enveloping, page cutting marks and dispatching of documents flow to the printing house, based on document metadata parameters

Print Management, with Rules based automated batch creation, co-enveloping, page cutting marks and dispatching of documents flow to the printing house based on document metadata parameters to eliminate data manipulation and stop relying on service bureaus and facilitate printing houses.


Pre-production control flows, with optional obfuscated data to allow the organization to securely preview documents before going to production.


Workflows, including automated, scheduled and ad-hoc triggered tasks.

Optimized Archiving

Optimized archiving approach, using multiple disks/storage and mass loading/retrieval of archived documents and/or transactions and/or data in proprietary datastore in XML format.

Electronic Presentment and Payment (ExPP) Portals

Electronic Presentment and Payment (ExPP) portals utilization with features such as ad-hoc queries and spending analysis, and supported by digitally-signed and time-stamped invoices (e-invoices and e-statements).

i-DOCS added-value and key differentiator is the utilizing of Electronic Presentment and Payment (ExPP) portals and online data presentment, with features such as ad-hoc queries and spending analysis that enhance customer experience. These are supported by digitally-signed and time-stamped invoices (e-invoices and e-statements) to stop sending printed invoices.

Custom Viewers

Using user-friendly, highly customized viewers to massively retrieve documents based on document metadata and variable time frames.

Web services

Efficient Web services, for automating document deletion as per data retention policies.

User-friendly GUI

User-friendly GUI, to manage and monitor business flows, check their running state or completion, provide access to the logs of jobs and allowing queries against its proprietary datastore.

Supporting Document Segregation

Supporting Document (usually PDF) Segregation or Concatenation to produce a single or multiple output files per document, for all customer campaigns implicitly or explicitly by utilizing i-DOCS Web Services.

Batch Reports

Implementation of batch reports with batch statistics (success/fails/totals etc.) and job reports with job statistics (number of documents, number of pages per document etc.)

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